
  • Boolean Box Micro V2

    14 Lessons

    This collection of lessons is for the Boolean Box Micro V2 kit sold on Amazon.

  • micro:bit Base Kit

    11 Lessons

    This collection of lessons go beyond the excellent resources on the website to use the micro:bit General Purpose Input and Output (GPIO) pins. Using the edge connector included in the kit build circuits using the breadboard and some simple electronic components. Discover how to build with and program the micro:bit GPIO pins! The introductory lessons in this course are useful for all micro:bit owners.

  • micro:bit Sensor Kit

    4 Lessons

    This collection of lessons extends the micro:bit Base Kit adding input and output sensors. The sensors detect changes in light or how far away something is. The kit also includes a continuous rotation motor, a joy stick, and a laser (like a laser pointer). Combined these sensors with the Base Kit or Motion Kit to build tons of Gadgets.

  • micro:bit Motion

    2 Lessons

    This collection of lessons extends the micro:bit Base Kit adding building blocks, wheels and gears to create things that move. The edge connector included in the Base Kit is designed to be connected to Lego compatible blocks. This kit really brings the micro:bit to life with tons of different ideas for building things that move.